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Foods That Fight Cancer

12 Foods That Fight Cancer

Here is a list of 12 items that should make up a significant portion of your diet.

1: Oily Fish
Fish oils have been associated with lower prostate, breast, and colon cancer rates. 
Your cancer diet should include fish-derived omega-3 fatty acids.

2: Greens, peppers
An excellent homemade juice recipe includes greens, carrots and apples for sweetness, beets for anthocyanins, and raw ginger for relaxation. A drink that actually fights cancer!

3: Ginger
Fresh raw ginger for cancer, works wonders as an anti-inflammatory in the body and lessens COX-2's effects which will stop the likelihood of cancer spreading throughout the body, but notably in the stomach.

4: Seeds
Sunflower seeds, for instance, which are rich in natural vitamin E and zinc. Zinc facilitates the action of vitamin C and speeds up the healing process. A healthy prostate depends on it, 15 to 25 mg daily are required.

5: Nuts
Almonds and walnuts are beneficial additions to your diet since they include high levels of natural fiber and healthy oils. Brazil nuts' effective anti-cancer agent is selenium.

6: Mushrooms
Shiitake, maitake, cordyceps, and other mushrooms contain anti-cancer compounds. 

Lycopene found in tomatoes reduces the incidence of aggressive prostate cancer. Lycopene also lowers blood cholesterol levels, which has an impact on many malignancies, including those of the lung, colon, cervix, and breast. 

8: Green leafy vegetables
Sulforaphanes, which are found in green vegetables and sprouting seeds and have strong anti-cancer effects, have been shown to help people survive colorectal cancer.

9: Broccoli
Indoles found in broccoli, particularly indole 3 carbinol and its metabolite DIM, which can alter cellular estrogen receptor sites and help fight estrogen-driven malignancies such as breast, prostate, brain, and colorectal cancers.

10: Garlic
There are several active components in it. It has active ingredients made of sulfur, selenium, and tryptophan that kill cancer cells.

11: Beetroot
Purple-colored fruits or vegetables, including cherries, aubergines, plums, red grapes, etc. They have anthocyanins in them (and sometimes also resveratrol). Anthocyanins have been demonstrated to kill cancer cells.

12: Pulses
Pulses include fiber-like lignans, which can aid the body's immune system and bloodstream to combat free radicals.

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